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ePSXe - Download
Thank you so much for your support. Yesterday we received a notification from Google about the removal of ePSXe from Google Play because of malicious behavior policy violation. After reviewing the policy we believe this is an error and are trying to work with them to resolve this issue.
In any case, we want to thank all users for their support, ePSXe would not be possible without you. Regards, ePSXe Team. Please stay tuned, we will inform you as soon as we get an update. You can find it in the downloads section. The changes are: - Updated the core to the version 2.
The changes are: - Updated the x86 recompiler to use the same recompiler than in the rest of versions Android, Linux x64, Mac Now it should be easier to fix problems in all versions.
This version is compatible using local netplay with the rest of ePSXe versions from the version 2. This option is better when the CPU is slower. Besides when using a gamepad in digital mode, now you can use the left stick as the dpad. You can find it in the downloads section how to install below. First release for MacOSX using the 2. There are 2 packs for MacOSX.
Follow the next steps depending on your selection A No UI version. It is recommended to copy your PS1 bios scph B UI version Gtk3. So it is recommended to use HomeBrew to install. Updated to 2. Updated the UI to gtk3. If the version 2. It fixes a bug reading the cpu overclock data from the register, and the config gpu in Russian language.
In the first place, this version includes some important changes to improve the accuracy, sadly it could breaks games, if you find that a broken game on this version please report to epsxepc gmail. Other languages could be added in a future version.
It should run again some games broken on interpreter cpu mode on the v2. Fixed loading savestates from the UI in interpreter mode. You can select x1, x1. Be careful it could break compatibility.
The changes are: - First of all, ePSXe 2. Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert, Tapcio and Edgbla. Improved multitap andd added autofire support. PPv3 and several files by game - Improved cheat support. Starting with version 1. You can find them in the downloads section. Compatibility is lower and memcards support limited. In multidisc games, it will share the same memcards by all of discs - Fixes to the CD-Rom decoder and the core which made almost 20 more games playable or working better like.
Usage execute epsxe. As promised ePSXe 1. The main changes are: Many fixes to the cd-rom decoder and core that fixed almost games Improved input devices support On the fly memory card change Fixed changedisc feature Support for SBI subchannel files Support for PBP disc images Cheat codes support We hope you will enjoy this release!
After a 4 years hiatus, it is finally time for some news about ePSXe's development. If all goes well we expect to release it in a few weeks. We were thinking of different ways to get funds for the development of ePSXe and finally decided to develop an Android port. We would like to give our thanks to Gladiator, from www. Without his help creating a version with high compatibility would have been almost impossible. Many thanks to you and your brother :. We would also want to give our thanks to Shalma who worked on ePSXe Shark, several plugins and plugins "repairs series".
He did a wonderful job, some would even consider it "magic", finding then fixing numerous bugs and deserves our most sincere thanks and admiration. Finally we want to thank you the ePSXe users for supporting our 12 years old child "ePSXe" : We have created a twitter account "epsxeteam" , where we expect your impressions about the emulator. Please don't use this account to request support and instead use ngemu.
You can download it in the files section. Short changelog: Multiple changes has been done in the Pad support. The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1. The iso support code has been rewritten. The MDEC decoder has been rewritten. A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is included. Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core. The ePSXe team. Status update - April 5th It has been long time since the previous ePSXe status update.
During this time the ePSXe development has been on hold and our lives have changed a lot, probably just like yours. In summer we decided to continue working in ePSXe encouraged by the users support even after 4 years without updates. We wanted to thank you for your support and show you some screenshots from games that should work better in the next release.
Many things have been fixed and some more features should be included in another fix version that will be released shortly. As usual you can download the latest version in the files section. Many things have been fixed, you can download it in the files section. March Today, we're happy to bring you a new version of ePSXe, 1.
You can find both, the windows and the linux version in our download section. Today ePSXe is 2 years old so we have decided to make a new release in the next few days. New ePSXe release! January Hello everybody, ePSXe has not completly reached the state we would have liked for this release, but we have been very busy lately and improvements are taking longer than we had thought. Especially since it has some interesting fix and the most importantly runs some very frequently requested games like Valkyrie Profile, Parasite Eve 2, Syphon Filter with speech and some others Enjoy it, The ePSXe team.
December After a long down time the page is finally back online. Development of ePSXe has slowed down during the summer but is now back to speed. We would have liked to release a new version today but it isn't ready yet. You should expect a release of the new version in the following months when the new features are fully implemented. We wish you a merry xmas and a happy new year. Copyright c by ePSXe team. All logos and symbols are trademark of their respective owners.
Grapics by ardnac, created by Bobbi from NGEmu.